
TLDcube – manual TLD-Reader

Versatile and user friendly
TLDcube is a small, lightweight and portable TLD Reader for measuring, analyzing and evaluating of thermoluminescent materials. Modern design and software combine easy operation and excellent performance in this newly developed reader. The ceramic heater with defined nitrogen cooling in the rotating drawer accepts all standard TLD shapes.

TLDcube is available in two versions as TLDcube 400 with heating capability up to 400°C and as TLDcube 600 which provides heating capabilities up to 600°C.

The software includes calibration and QA features, data storage and export options as xml file or Excel file to meet all typical requirements.




  • Radiation protection
  • Environmental research
  • Medical dosimetry
  • Personnel Dosimetry
  • Experimental physics
  • Checking irradiated food