
Free-and 16 Gamma Large Container Radiation Monitor


The FREE-AND 16 spectrometric station is a robust and handy system designed to perform spectrometric analysis of waste materials, where the fine spectroscopy provided by HPGe-based systems is not needed.


The main components are:

  • 3”x3” NaI(Tl) scintillators coupled to MCA (16 in total)
  • Mechanical support structure for detectors
  • Weighting platform
  • Control PC with user-friendly software

The detectors are distributed in two arrays of 4 units for each side. Each detector is provided with a lead shielding, which acts as a collimator: this way each scintillator “sees” a defined portion of the container volume. The system can achieve an MDA of 0.04 Bq/g (15 minutes measurement, 300 kg of material, 1 g/cm3 density).

The mechanical support structure is made of stainless steel, which can well resist to the weight of the equipment and to accidental bumps.

The weighting platform has a maximum limit of 6000 kg. Containers of different type and dimensions can be placed on the platform, up to a maximum of 100x100x200 cm (WxHxD).

The operator interacts with FREE-AND 16 through a sophisticated yet easy-to-use software. To perform the measurement, the operator selects the proper geometry from a previously defined database, then sets the measurement time; the procedure automatically starts when the container is placed upon the weighting platform. Measurement reports are provided at the end of each scan.

Additional information

Main features:

Efficient alternative to HPGe-based systems
Versatile structure
Sub-sections mesurements to allow characterization of big containers
Robust mechanical structure with weighting platform
Detectors: 16 NaI(Tl) scintillators 3”x3” with MCA
Lead shielding/collimator for each detector
Max container dimensions: 100x100x200 cm
Geometries database and release limits calculation
Data archive and measurement reports
MDA (Cs-137): down to 0.04 Bq/g (15 min)