
B-RAD Gamma Radiation Survey Meter (LaBr3)

B-RAD is a portable, hand-held gamma monitor, capable of providing the photon spectra in presence of strong electromagnetic fields.


It has been tested to work properly in magnetic fields up to 3 T. For comparison, conventional devices fail to operate at intensities as low as 0.1 T.

Light and compact, B-RAD is ideal for radiation surveys and for local measurements of contamination or residual radioactivity in hot spots. It also includes a Hall probe connected to an indicator for a rough measurement of the magnetic field in which it is operating

B-RAD employs a high sensitivity LaBr3(Ce3+) crystal directly coupled to a Silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) matrix.

The excellent scintillation properties and the high photon resolution of the scintillator (3.3% FWHM at 662 keV) make the device capable of operating over a wide energy range with a very fast response, i.e. reducing at minimum dead time-related issues.

This technology has been originally developed at CERN, and has become the standard for radiation surveys in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments. It is commercialized under an official license granted by CERN, with the “CERN Technology” label.

Additional information

  • Portable high-resolution spectrometer
  • Specifically designed for use in extremely intense magnetic fields, up to 3 T
  • Technology originally developed at CERN, licensed to ELSE NUCLEAR
  • Radio-isotope identification
  • Double display
  • Light and compact, ideal for radiation surveys
  • Built-in signal processing electronics
  • Equipped with a Hall probe
  • Crystal: 0.6” × 0.6” LaBr3 (Ce3+ )
  • FHWM: 3.3% at 662 keV
  • Dose rate range: 100 nSv/h ÷ 10 mSv/h
  • Sensitivity: 90 cps/µSv/h
  • Energy range: 30 keV ÷ 2 MeV
  • Temperature range: 0 ÷ 40 °C
  • Battery life: up to 12 hours (in “power save mode”)
  • Dimensions:
    • Main unit: 156 x 191 x 92 mm
    • Probe: 180 x 50 mm (diameter)
  • Weight: 2.3 kg
  • Version for natural nuclides concentration
    measurement (B-RAD NAT)
  • GPS module
  • Warranty extension from 12 months to 24 months
  • Radiation surveys at particle accelerators
  • Medical accelerators (electron linacs including Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) with MRI imaging, cyclotrons for radionuclide production and radiotherapy)
  • Radiation measurements at medical PET/MRI scanners
  • Radiation measurements in industrial applications, metal recycling and for fire brigade services
  • Current and future technologies involving the need of measuring radioactivity in the potential presence of perturbing magnetic fields
  • Geophysical applications (B-RAD NAT version)