
AURAS 3000 Free Release Waste Assay Counter

Free Release Waste Assay Counter

AURAS 3000 is a highly automated system for scanning and characterising a variety of sample sizes and forms (bags, boxes, drums, and B25 containers), with densities in the range 100 kg/m3 to 2000 kg/m3. The system is equipped with up to four electro- or nitrogen-cooled HPGe detectors.


The main components of AURAS 3000 are:

  • Main rail with moving platform for materials to be monitored
  • Cross rail with two detector towers (up to 2 HPGe each); the towers can be positioned to best fit the measurement geometry, and each detector can be independently moved along the vertical direction
  • Remote PC control station and local PLC interface

Analysis of spectra is performed with a waste assay algorithm operating under the control of a proprietary software.

Optionally, the system can be designed with a fixed platform for materials loading and with moving detector columns; in this case, the scanning would be performed moving the detectors along the platform with the materials, reducing the length of the mechanical structure when space is an issue.

The container is first positioned by crane or forklift onto the heavy-duty platform. The operator starts the scan through the user interface, and selects the container type to be scanned from a pre-set table. This results in an adjustment of the detector position under computer control as required by the counting geometry. Bookkeeping data such as container description is entered at this stage.

The scan begins and the heavy-duty platform is moved to the measurement area. The HPGe detectors start acquisition from predetermined sub-sections of the containers.

Additional information

Main features:

Standard worldwide system for precise waste characterization
Versatile measurement geometry
Sub-sections scanning procedure to allow characterization of big containers
Free Release Assay of large waste containers up to 3 m3
On-line weighting up to 3000 kg
Full Quantitative Assay of all detectable gamma emitters, with non-gamma emitter estimates by correlated scaling factors
Up to four large area HPGe detectors
Individual and averaged activity and MDA reporting
Automated computer control
Extensive Safety Protection
MDA (Cs-137): down to 0.0037 Bq/g (40 min)